Donations of any kind are greatly needed and certainly appreciated. Since we are a 100% volunteer-run, foster-based organization and have no paid employees, EVERY dollar directly benefits dogs in our program.
Cash Donations.
Donate by Credit/Debit card, Venmo, or PayPal HERE
You can also use your smartphone to donate using Cash App: $RescueRoad
Snail mail? Our mailing address is:
Rescue Road
17200 Chenal Parkway
Suite 300, #171
Little Rock, AR 72223
Shop for us from our Amazon Wishlist
Shop for us from our Chewy Wishlist
Donations of dog crates, food, blankets, towels, bleach, blue Dawn dish soap, sterile gloves, toys, and treats are always welcome. Email us to arrange for pick up, or for a mailing address for large items.
Kroger customer? Register your Kroger Plus card for the Kroger Community Rewards Program at krogercommunityrewards.com. Choose Rescue Road as your organization, and Kroger will donate a portion of the sale every time you use your Kroger Plus card at checkout!