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Donations of any kind are greatly needed and certainly appreciated. Since we are a 100% volunteer-run, foster-based organization and have no paid employees, EVERY dollar directly benefits dogs in our program.



Cash Donations.

  • Donate by Credit/Debit card, Venmo, or PayPal HERE


  • You can also use your smartphone to donate using Cash App: $RescueRoad

  • Snail mail? Our mailing address is:


Rescue Road

17200 Chenal Parkway

Suite 300, #171

Little Rock, AR 72223



  • Shop for us from our Amazon Wishlist

  • Shop for us from our Chewy Wishlist

  • Donations of dog crates, food, blankets, towels, bleach, blue Dawn dish soap, sterile gloves, toys, and treats are always welcome. Email us to arrange for pick up, or for a mailing address for large items.




  • Kroger customer? Register your Kroger Plus card for the Kroger Community Rewards Program at Choose Rescue Road as your organization, and Kroger will donate a portion of the sale every time you use your Kroger Plus card at checkout!




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